So yesterday myself and my fellow Jews observed our Day of Atonment all across the globe. We sit in synagogue, pray and fast all day in observance.
Well I went to my aunt and uncleapos;s synagogue with my aunt and grandmother and one of the rabbiapos;s was doing a speech on Israel bonds. They all do the whole "Donate money in support of Israel" but he said something that really made me think "I gotta post this on the McCain/Palin 08 blog later". He was talking about AIPAC (an organization I loathe because of how bias they are and one sided. Iapos;m very Pro Israel but this group is Anti Palestinian, which I am not and they spew so much propaganda itapos;s ridiculous. Iapos;ve been associated with them in the past and couldnapos;t take it. Anyway, thatapos;s neither here nor there). But he then goes on to say "Letapos;s send that Iranian whacko a message that we will stand by Israel"
Just as he said that, I looked around the room at the congregants nodding in agreement. And just then I realized that while they were nodding, more than half of them (including my grandmother and aunt sitting beside me) will most likely cast their vote for a candidate who wants to sit down and have coffee with that "Iranian whacko"
I try not to be judgemental or mean or anything contradictory, especially on Yom Kippur. But I couldnapos;t help but make that interesting observation. And share it with you all.
And to any fellow Jewish McCain supporters here, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and Happy New Year.
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