So I had this weird thought that if I had to be an insect Iapos;d probably want to be a praying mantis or a dragonfly because theyapos;re both badass and colorful Iapos;m wondering if my friends had to be bugs what they would choose to be if they had to choose. So completely off topic I have a grand I got in a scholarship this summer waiting for me at SFSU bursars office that I plan on getting processed and done with tomorrow. I think Iapos;ll get a computer armoire from staples with it so I can have some vertical room in my room. Maybe pay the rent or payback a loan and put the rest in one of my accounts. I got two movies today a hammer film version of Dracula with Christopher Lee playing the Count and fellow Star Wars Alumni Peter Cushing playing Prof. Van Hellsing. The other film is academy award nominee for best foreign picture about Genghis Khan called mongol. I admire Genghis Khans strategic mind and insight and his ambition,not necessarily his way of accomplishing it what he did was actually quite amazing he created one of the largest empires the world has known stretching from Mongolia in the east all the way to Austria in the west and as far south as Thailand and India which I think is quite impressive. So fleet week is done I didnapos;t see much in terms of the airshow due to week but I did however see the jeep carrier USS. Bonhome Richard or better known as the "the Bonny Dick" thanks John Paul Jones we needed you...anyway Iapos;m pretty sure it carries helicopters and marine harrier attack aircraft but it was still neat to look at. In terms of video games I finished Force Unleashed which was badass, Iapos;m think I might get Dead Space the latest survival horror game to soon come out on video game consoles Iapos;m not a huge survival horror fan but I do like a good story and I do like the SciFi genre so I think i might give it a shot.
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