Will be getting back the pics from Sam on Wed evening Will post and talk a bit more about our wedding later.
This is the first weekend in my new place. Hum... The only thing that I need to get use to is not having my grandma around to cook and wash for me. Had to start doing them myself Hum.. All is well as I am not a pampered gal.
Dear parents are really nice too. Daddy wakes and makes egg for us in the morning before we go school and Mummy will pack bread for us for recess too Wow... At the rate I am eating here I will get fat soon.
Have a few things in mind to do to be a great wife Decided to try make sandwiches for Dear to bring to school once a while WIll be simple ones but it will definitely be some lovely breakfast Wanted to cook some things too. But still getting use to the new routine so I better not be too ambitious
Sat still should remain as my workout day. Cycled at home this morning. Think i really canapos;t sleep late like my Dear. Woke at 7 and canapos;t seem to sleep any longer oki maybe i should go yoga soon too Arghhhhhhhhhhhh wasting membership is not a good idea. Most imptly, I do think that yoga is pretty good for me.
Oh my Dear is just Promoted Yippyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Dun noe when it will be Nickyapos;s turn. They say gals have to wait for 2 yrs first. Maybe Nicky will share a bit of my good news too. I will be fully in charge of Raffles Acadamy (Biology) next year Sth exciting to look forward to. WIll have to do the selection test and plan the lessons. Accelerate and go more in depth
Now looking forward to our honeymoon... It just seem so so so so farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr away...
basics drumming, basics drive frequency variable, basics drilling rig, basics drawing kinkade thomas.
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