Weekend. Finally some breathing room. The depressing thing is that Iapos;ll probably be spending most of it doing all the housework thatapos;s been piling up and Iapos;m really not looking forward to it. Most students of any sort here usually complains that their living quarters are to small, and I agree that a 20 squares studentapartment might be pushing it but seriously, taking care of a house has its huge cons, especially during fall when you know, trees tend to start get naked.
"I like those flowers." The nighthaired girl said, looking down at the fragile desertblossoms with greed.
"Then leave them be. Stop looking at them or you will want to pluck them." Her companion replied, choosing her words carefully like she always did.
"But what if someone else does it? I had rather it be me, because I know myself and I do love them."
The sandhaired girl didnapos;t answer, but looked at her friend in quiet patience. She always did, like a mountain watching a fresh-thawed creek.
"They will leave them be." She said at last.
"How would you know?" The nighthaired girl squatted down, perplexed by the thin, red petals. There was doubt in her voice, and some anger. "How would you trust them to not take and harm what you would, and leave nothing for you and me?"
"I know," The sandhaired girl assured. She paused, but then spoke with clear certainty. "Because there will be another you and there will be another me, and they too will stand here to be tempted by those lovely flowers, and the You will always be tempted to doubt, while the Me will always be there to stop you, and they will arrive to the same path of reason as we do now."
The nighthaired girl tilted her head to contemplate those words, her eyes still on the flower. She looked between them, the temptress before and the friend by her side.
"Leave them be." The sandhaired girl said again. Finally, her friend nodded and stood up, brushing the dirt off her clothes.
"Not everyone will have that you know, not everyone will have You and Me." She said glumly. She never liked to be told off.
The sandhaired girl shrugged at this. "No I suppose not, but we do and that is well."
---The You and the Me
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