Hi to the Wiechniks (and extended family), hi to Chels my other part of The Wedge, to Rob and possibly Ryan (who check this because they have not else to do), to Sanjay who does not have an Lj yet somehow always knows when I post, to Shale who may not be doing this anymore, and to whomever else still checks this.
I am in Colorado.
Right outside of Boulder.
You can find my exact new address on facebook, but suffice to say it involves me living on Sir Galahad Drive.
Which is parallel to Excalibur and Merlin. And the next neighborhood over contains King Arthur, Round Table, and Guinevere. I think you can imagine how much I love this neighborhood...
I have a house (apartment...), with my roommate BJ, my boss/good friend of the past two summers. We have a fenced-in backyard with a much neglected vegetable garden, which I have permission to do whatever I want with. Thereapos;s a rosebush out front- yeah, I like plants, and yes, the landlord will let me do whatever the hell I want with the gardens and landscaping.
Our landlord made us cookies when we moved in.
There are about 70 million cats in our neighborhood who all seem to congregate in our backyard. My favorites are two wee ones known as Mia and Tweak, as it says on their collars. Miaapos;s my favorite, cute little calico lass. They make me think of Mer and all her adoptees that she tells stories about.
I just got a job, the one I wanted, working as a Veterinary Technician Assistant. (Talk about a fucking mouthful; "Hi, Iapos;m Sarah H******-E*****, Veterinary Technician Assistant"). Basically Clinic Bitch. Itapos;s supposed to be the premier small animal clinic around here- Iapos;m psyched.
But thereapos;s another Sarah working there (story of my life). Another Sarah H (Again, story of my life). And thus is how I came to be in possession of an official name tag reading "HUBBS: Vet Tech Asstnt"
And that, my friends, is amazing.
Life is good.
Miss the New Hampshire leaves.
Itapos;s supposed to snow on Sunday.
Oh yeah and I finally gave in and bought a real cellphone. I know, the Apocalypse might happen now, but there you have it.
Now Iapos;m going to go run and slide on my new hardwood floors....
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