воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

bay tomales

I just finished reading Ghost Riders by Sharyn McCrumb.The chapters were titled differently in this book than they are in most books.Every chapter had a name of a different person for the title.It took me some getting used to.The book is set in the 1800s.In the story, there is a couple named Keith and Malinda Blalock.When Keith joins up with the Confederate Army in hopes of earning money, Malinda decides to dress as a boy and go with him, because she doesnrsquo;t want to be alone at home.She enlists herself as ldquo;Samrdquo;.But, a few days later, Keith decides that he doesnrsquo;t want to fight anymore, so he finds a way to get himself sick, so he would be discharged and sent home.He succeeds in doing so, but when Malinda tries to go back home with him, the generals wonrsquo;t let her, because they say that shersquo;s not sick, so eventually, she shows them that shersquo;s a woman and they tell her to go home after that.In the book, there is also a group of Civil War re-enactors, who set up in the woods.But I found out that the real soldiers who fought in the Civil War arenrsquo;t happy with what this group is doing, so they come back as ghosts to try to scare them off.When somebody saw a ghost from an Indian tribe, that ghost explained to him why the ghost soldiers were haunting the group of the Civil War re-enactors, but when he went to tell the newspaper editor in the group about the ghosts, the editor didnrsquo;t believe him.This is a really good book.

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