понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Sadly, one of my old classmates passed away recently.
He died in a gun accident here (Not sure if it was actual accident or murder).

He used to hang out with the gang that i was in.
He was the silent and sweet type, the one who was kind and respectful to anybody, even to the biggest douche in school, just because he stays out of trouble.

He was very fond of my drawings and comics, and peeks when i doodle, just to get a laugh and all.

He has been through some hard stuff as well, as the tsunami in Thailain for some ages ago.

I havenapos;t met him since 2005, and oddly before getting this sad news, i was wondering about all my old mates whom i havenapos;t seen in ages - including him.
It was quite a shock to hear that one of the Awesome Avengers isnapos;t around anymore.
Especially the peacekeeper, the wiseman, and the goodhearted guy.

Marcus, rest in peace - You will be missed by your family, your friends, and everybody who had the fortune to know you.

And for that, iapos;m doing an episode of This Is Oddland in his memory, because he loved how i make cartoons, and was the eager one to take a peek at my doodling, when i was so concentrated.

Cheers, Marcus... Your kind and wise spirit will live on.

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Are these really an option when it comes time to purchasing a car? You would think so. It is just polite to use them ... I mean how else are we to know that you want to turn? Of course if the police donapos;t even use their signals why should the general public. You can get a ticket for not using one.
I was watching the movie "shoot apos;em up" this weekend and the director made a point about this. You only have to move your finger a half an inch to single you are changing lanes ... So come on people be connsiderate ...

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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"What if I moved abroad?" - moi
"Then youapos;d be in a different country?" - CM (always so helpful)
"Would you miss me?"
"Thanks" (hoping sheapos;s joking)
"Iapos;d die. No first,"
"First Iapos;d cry. Then Iapos;d lock myself in the freezer."

As you can tell, she always takes things just as seriously as theyapos;re intended. I didnapos;t get much more sense out of her after that. There was talk of biscuit tins and kidnapping. Thatapos;s when I gave up.
��� You may have guessed - Iapos;m moving. Maybe not anytime in the near future, but hopefully after I finish uni. Iapos;m not sure what itapos;ll be like if we actually go through with it. Weapos;re a very indecisive family and I may have changed my mind by tomorrow morning.
��� I think Iapos;ll be brave enough to do it. Thereapos;s always gonna be the chance that it could all go horribly wrong, but whatapos;s the point in life if you donapos;t take risks? And I canapos;t do that where Iapos;m from. Thereapos;s nothing risky about my town. Except maybe going out late at night on your own. I wouldnapos;t advise that unless (like me) you know just about everyone who lives within a miles radius. And I still wouldnapos;t recommend it, not really. Thatapos;s not the kinda risk you wanna take.
�� So, anyway, in around five years time, Iapos;ll be sunning myself in Jacksonville with a English Literature degree under my belt. Or thatapos;s the plan anyway.
�� Sure, Iapos;ll miss everyone like hell, but Iapos;m trying not to focus on that. They can visit, right?

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Honestly speaking, i do not abhor you and iapos;ve already forgiven you months ago and ever since i had forgiven you, i told myself constantly not to react in such a way when certain�things donapos;t turn out the way i like.�

However, i do not know why i still reacted in such a way. I really do not know why.
you may not believe but inspite of�all these, iapos;ve always regard you as a good friend, a friend that stood by me during the tormenting time i encountered last year.

i may say i do not respect you but deep down, i do respect you.
iapos;m frustrated with myself for reacting in such a way.
The fact was that i really meant it when i said i was sorry.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Will be getting back the pics from Sam on Wed evening Will post and talk a bit more about our wedding later.

This is the first weekend in my new place. Hum... The only thing that I need to get use to is not having my grandma around to cook and wash for me. Had to start doing them myself Hum.. All is well as I am not a pampered gal.

Dear parents are really nice too. Daddy wakes and makes egg for us in the morning before we go school and Mummy will pack bread for us for recess too Wow... At the rate I am eating here I will get fat soon.

Have a few things in mind to do to be a great wife Decided to try make sandwiches for Dear to bring to school once a while WIll be simple ones but it will definitely be some lovely breakfast Wanted to cook some things too. But still getting use to the new routine so I better not be too ambitious

Sat still should remain as my workout day. Cycled at home this morning. Think i really canapos;t sleep late like my Dear. Woke at 7 and canapos;t seem to sleep any longer oki maybe i should go yoga soon too Arghhhhhhhhhhhh wasting membership is not a good idea. Most imptly, I do think that yoga is pretty good for me.

Oh my Dear is just Promoted Yippyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Dun noe when it will be Nickyapos;s turn. They say gals have to wait for 2 yrs first. Maybe Nicky will share a bit of my good news too. I will be fully in charge of Raffles Acadamy (Biology) next year Sth exciting to look forward to. WIll have to do the selection test and plan the lessons. Accelerate and go more in depth

Now looking forward to our honeymoon... It just seem so so so so farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr away...

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ameriplan dental lead member

My days are just a hodge podge of crazy good and ungood things.

No breakfast food in my house still. I really need to do some grocery shopping. Perhaps tomorrow morning. Either way, Iapos;m going to make chocolate chip pancakes tomorrow. I bought a huge bag of chocolate chips just for that purpose.

Calculus is a total disaster this year. Iapos;m starting to catch on a bit. Hopefully it will get better as the semester progresses. Anthropology is going brilliantly. I have learned so much in that course and am growing so much as a person. Itapos;s almost ridiculous. But wonderfully so. EI is making sense, and I think the midterm today went alright. Modern physics would be so interesting if I had a professor whose lectures didnapos;t put me to sleep. The assignments have gone decently well so far. And hopefully, with my new linear buddy, I will kick my algebra course in the ass.

Physics lounge really and truly is my home now. I will probably end up just sleeping there some night. People do occasionally take naps on the couch.

I have to go shopping. I need a new backpack like nobodyapos;s business, and some new shirts and a pair of jeans couldnapos;t hurt either.

I really really need to learn to take things a day at a time.

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Unfortunately, I am getting a lot of calls and e-mails from you on check scams.� You are getting bogus checks in the mail and you are going to the bank to cash them and that's where you find out you've been taken.� No one is ever going to give you free money

I don't know how many years I have been getting on TV telling the viewers that "If it's too good to be True... It probabaly is"� �There are so many Mystery Shopper Scams, Work at Home Scams and Bogus Sweepstakes that come with checks... Just rip them up

Please, please, please, get savy and don't trust anyone� I know that sounds cynical... But it's true.� You always have to make the effort and check out everything.� Unfortunately, even when you do that sometimes... You can still get taken� �So watch Contact 13... And Call Call for Action for our help

Tricia Kean

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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"Dataspill" het det f�r. S� var den saken biff. Det betydde spill med skjerm, alts� ikke brettspill eller kortspill. Dataspill som Age of Emire, Back Packer og slike trivlige enkle saker hvor man m�tte tenke for � klare det.
Dataspill er ikke hva det en gang var. Og jeg irriterer meg skrekkelig hver dag over dette. Ta et eksempel: N�r jeg g�r innover i byen, til sentrum, g�r jeg (i Dronningens) forbi en barefris�r. N�r man ser inn i vinduene ser man sm� fris�rstoler, litt mer farger enn normalt for en fris�rsalong p� veggene, og foran hver stol er en skjerm og spillkontroll. Jeg kjenner jeg koker hver gang jeg g�r forbi denne barnefris�rsalongen. Jeg tviler p� at det er Josefinespill som st�r i maskinene.... Det er det sleipeste triks. Og det at folk kan sitte i samme rom og spille hvert sitt spill p� hver sin maskin Jeg blir helt trist inni meg..
Men rett skal v�re rett, jeg er jo ikke en definitiv motstander. Jeg liker veldig godt � spille Buzz for eksempel, men jeg syns det handler litt om kunnskap og hukommelse, fremfor � skyte det dyret og den motstanderen.. Jeg liker ogs� Singstar noen ganger... Trenger ikke � forklare det n�rmere tror jeg, alle vet vel at jeg elsker sang. Og jeg spiller poker p� datan, s� jeg gj�r da min greie jeg ogs�. Jeg syns bare det er s� skrekkelig synd at man m� kj�pe Playstation, Gameboy, PS2, PS3, XBox, XBox 360, Wee, Nintendo og hva som� v�rre er..Og alt dette kj�per de fleste (tilogmed foreldre i rollen som forelder) i dyre dommer, for � kunne sloss og drepe p� skjermen...
Som om det ikke er nok p� TV
Jeg vet ikke hva jeg skal si, jeg er paff....
Gi meg gjerne en grunn til � like slike spill og utviklingen det her har, men grunnen skal v�re bra god f�r jeg tar den for god fisk.

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Man, for those of you who I havenapos;t complained to...

I have to get one of my wisdom teeth taken out on Thursday.
Theyapos;re gonna completely put me under, Iapos;m just hoping... Well...

That Iapos;ll be okay for game on saturday. >.> I know. My priorities are fun, arenapos;t they? Shayla will probably be there In character, though I will probably be griping about it out of character.

Grr... Getting a hole in my head. Thatapos;s gonna be loads of fun.

So if I come to game on Saturday/Friday and have a swollen face, please be gentle?


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